Wenatchee Washington

Wenatchee is the largest city in Chelan County and technically sits on the West side of the Columbia river. East Wenatchee is literally right across the river, but lies in Douglas County and is considered a separate entity. Wenatchee might be most famous for the apple orchards that are liberally scattered throughout the area. There is quite the history of hydroelectric power activity in the area as well, with multiple dams in close proximity to Wenatchee.

Wenatchee WA 2009

Fun Facts

  • Wenatchee is currently (as of 2023) the the 38th. largest city in the State of Washington.
  • According to the latest Census data taken in 2020, Wenatchee is home to about 35,348 residents.
  • It used to known as the Buckle of the Power Belt of the Northwest. This was because of all the hydroelectric power generated in the region.
  • Wenatchee was named for an Indian tribe. The original spelling was "Wenatchi".
  • Mission Ridge was the first ski resort in Washington State that makes its own snow.
  • Pybus Market is a local community gather spot.
  • Physical size: About 8 sq miles.


Wenatchee Events

Find things to do in Wenatchee here on our Events Calendar

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